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The first graduate seminar was held on October 21st, 2019. Mr. Calvin Lee, who is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at UCLA, presented an overview on tracking bacteria behavior through advanced image processing techniques. Mr. Lee is from the Gerard Wong’s lab at UCLA Bioengineering department, and he has co-authored 10 papers on bacteria tracking and the understanding of early biofilm formation. The seminar was very successful and the students have learned about the possibilities of using advanced computing techniques and A.I. in bio-engineering applications. Below is the abstract of his talk:

Abstract: Bacteria are microorganisms that can form large communities called biofilms in almost any environmental niche, including oceans, soil, and humans. Biofilms can be both harmful, such as by causing diseases, and beneficial, such as helping with digestion. Studying how biofilms develop from single bacteria can give insight into controlling biofilms and other applications, either to prevent harmful biofilms from forming or promote the growth of beneficial biofilms. Here, I give an overview of the current techniques used to study biofilm development. Next, I describe the implementation of image processing techniques to help accelerate the analysis, extract more information from the experimental data, and reduce user bias during the analysis. Finally, I review the challenges we still currently face even with the improved techniques.

Seminar speaker with the teaching staff, MSc. and BSc. Students

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