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Pan Delta IT Competition 2020



澳門理工學院應用科學高等學校的大數據與物聯網碩士學位課程於2020年9月成功通過英國工程技術學會(The Institution of Engineering and Technology, IET)學術評審,是澳門首個通過國際級高等教育學術評審的工程碩士學位課程,澳門高等教育再獲國際認證。自2019/2020 學年起入讀該課程之碩士學生畢業後,將具備國際認可的英國註冊工程師全部學歷資格,課程進一步為澳門智慧城市的建設及發展培養更多優秀工程師及人才。


英國工程技術學會是全球頂尖、歐洲規模最大的工程技術領域專業學會,目前,該學會擁有來自一百二十七個國家/地區超過十六萬名會員,既是享負盛名的國際性工程師學會,也是全球最大的工程師資歷認證機構之一。該會獲英國工程理事會(Engineering Council)授權,對工程類專業課程進行學術評審及授予全球廣泛認可的工程師資格證書。由於英國工程理事會是世界工程類專業認證體系《華盛頓協議》及《悉尼協議》最早簽約組織之一,通過英國工程技術學會的學術評審,讓澳門理工學院電腦學課程(包括學士和碩士)在取得英國工程理事會之認可,畢業後也因而具備申請成為有關國家/地區註冊工程師的部分或全部學歷要求。這體現澳門理工學院辦學水平獲國際工程學術界的充份肯定與認同,也大大拓闊其畢業生的未來發展路向。


Mini Sports Day for Postgraduate Students

In order to welcome our 2020/21 postgraduate students in PhD in Computer Applied Technology and MSc in Big Data and Internet of Things program, a mini sports day was organized, as one of the orientation activities, by the Computing Programme in the School of Applied Science (ESCA) at the Sport Pavilion of Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) on September 22, 2020. About 20 students participated in this event, which includes two very popular sports – badminton and table tennis. Both teachers and students enjoyed very much during their playing time. Better communication has been established among students and teachers, which will be useful for the students’ future research works with their supervisors. Moreover, the event will also enrich our postgraduate students’ study life in MPI.


Postgraduate (PhD and MSc) Students and MPI Teaching Staff


Postgraduate Students Participated in Table Tennis and Badminton


Our Research on Decision-making Models Published in Renowned International Academic Journal

Dr. Song-Kyoo (Amang) Kim’s research article on a stochastic decision-making model, titled “A Versatile Stochastic Duel Game”, was recently published in the renowned international academic journal “Mathematics”. “Mathematics” is ranked in the top 8.6% of JCR mathematics journals, and is indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Scopus with a high impact factor.

This paper deals with a standard stochastic game model with a continuum of states under the duel-type setup. It newly proposes a hybrid model of game theory and the fluctuation process, which could be applied for various practical decision-making situations. The unique theoretical stochastic game model is targeted to analyze a two-person duel-type game in the time domain. This new mathematical model becomes even more practical because the model has been demonstrated to be applied into an actual business competing situation to find the best strategy for a company. An extended version of the duel-type game for multiple players is currently under development.

Dr. Song-Kyoo (Amang) Kim is currently an Associate Professor of the Computing Programme of the School of Applied Sciences at the Macao Polytechnic Institute. He is the author of more than 70 research articles and 10 patents relating to various areas, including applied probability and artificial intelligence. He has been an invited speaker at many international conferences concerning technology management, innovation process, operations research, and data sciences. He is also an External Reviewer of the IEEE Access and IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering.





論壇日期: 16/7/2020

時間: 10:00~12:30

論壇報名: Click here


MPI and ABM Sign Protocol on Machine Translation System for ‘Finance + Technology’ Development

In order to demonstrate Macao’s advantages as the Sino-Portuguese financial service platform and boost industry-academia development in higher education, on 10 June 2020, the Macao Polytechnic Institute (MPI) and The Macau Association of Banks (ABM) signed the Cooperation Protocol on the ‘Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Official Document Translation System’ and the Protocol on ‘The Macau Association of Banks Scholarship’. Both parties will strengthen mutual cooperation, jointly cultivate youth talents in interdisciplinary technological innovation, promote financial cooperation between Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries, and facilitate the development of Macao’s ‘finance + technology’ and ‘Sino-Portuguese platform’.

The signing ceremony of the cooperation protocols was held in the afternoon on 10 June at MPI. Im Sio Kei, President of Macao Polytechnic Institute and Ip Sio Kai, Chairman of The Macau Association of Banks signed the protocols on behalf of both parties. Im expressed, ‘The Institute is dedicated to promoting the development of industry-academia collaboration. In December last year, the first engineering research centre of the Ministry of Education in Hong Kong and Macao – “Engineering Research Centre of Applied Technology on Machine Translation and Artificial Intelligence, Ministry of Education” – was established to develop artificial intelligence and machine translation application products and services with independent intellectual property rights and core technologies.’ He introduced the “Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Official Document Translation System”, which is ‘an auxiliary translation system for Chinese-Portuguese official documents based on the industry-leading neural network machine translation technology. It is designed to assist translators in the translation of Chinese/Portuguese documents, thereby improving work efficiency. The system has been applied to many government departments and organisations and has greatly improved the speed and accuracy of the translators. It has been well received due to the increase in administrative effectiveness.’ Im thanked ABM for setting up the scholarship with the aim of encouraging excellent students to engage in Chinese-Portuguese-English machine translation research, cultivating youth talents in interdisciplinary technological innovation, and promoting the development and transfer of a greater number of scientific research achievements.

Ip Sio Kai expressed, ‘ABM and the Macao banking industry are highly cooperative in the series of policies about modern financial industry development by the SAR Government, and strive to build a financial service platform between China and Portuguese-speaking countries. Last year, ABM and its counterparts in Guiné-Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, and São Tomé and Príncipe jointly signed the “Proposal on Promoting the Cooperation between Commercial Banks in Macao and Portuguese-Speaking Countries”, which strengthened the financial cooperation between Macao and Portuguese-speaking countries. In addition, in conjunction with the Policy Address by the new SAR Government this year and Opinions on Financial Support for the Construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, the Sino-Portuguese financial service platform is going to be developed with high speed under the new expectations of Macao financial development. This also means more frequent financial exchanges with Portuguese-speaking countries in the future.’ Ip indicated, ‘Through the signing of the cooperation protocol with the Macao Polytechnic Institute, the promotion of using Macao’s “finance + technology” service will be conducive to the dissemination of Macao and the Mainland’s latest financial development information. The relevant information can be effectively disseminated to financial organisations in Portuguese-speaking countries, thus strengthening the connections of financial cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries. ABM will make good use of this system to match up more opportunities for financial cooperation with Portuguese-speaking countries for the Macao banking industry, and further promote the functions and role of the Sino-Portuguese financial service platform.’

At the ceremony, the MPI researchers introduced the ‘Chinese-Portuguese/Portuguese-Chinese Official Document Translation System’ and the latest scientific research achievements to the guests. Au Ieong Iu Kong, Vice-Chairman; Ieong Kim Man, Representative of Vice-Chairman Bank; Sio Ng Kan, Director-General; Loi Weng Kei, Secretary-General, representatives from ABM; and Lei Vai Fong, Secretary-General; Tse Tan Sim, Director of the School of Applied Sciences; Huang Guihai, Director of the School of Business; Lam Ieng Kit, Head of the Administration and Finance Department; Lam Chan Tong, Programme Coordinator of Computing; Tang Su Kit, Programme Coordinator of the PhD in Computer Applied Technology, representatives from MPI, attended and witnessed the signing of the protocols.

Click here for Chinese version



葡萄牙科英布拉大學副校長Cláudia Cavadas日前受邀率團訪問澳門理工學院,團員包括信息工程系系主任Edmundo Monteiro、Marilia Curado及António José Mendes。訪問期間,Cláudia Cavadas副校長以科研創新和面對新生代大學生教學挑戰為題,為教師及博士研究生做了專題講座,吸引了眾多師生參與。

Cláudia Cavadas在講座中,分享推動該校在過去幾年的科研發展達至量及質提升的經驗。該校的研究領域,主要圍繞聯合國所提出的持續發展目標,以對應世界所面臨挑戰,並通過推動跨學科研究、與世界頂尖機構合作等方式,不斷提升科創水平。

在教學方面,Cláudia Cavadas分享了作為教師,在面向新生代學生教學方面遇到的多項挑戰,她提出可以激發學生主動學習的方法如:在課堂上給予足夠時間讓學生發問;將課程內容細分小組研究,並在課堂上分享各組的研究內容;採用多媒體軟件作課堂交互交流,以及要求學生繪製思維導圖進行學習等。



Macao Daily:


Computing Series Seminar

Data: Jan 16, 2020

Time: 11:00 ~ 12:30

Venue: Lecture Theater 3


Computing Series Seminar

Data: Jan 10, 2020

Time: 15:00 ~ 16:30

Venue: Lecture Theater 3



為加強學生對生涯規劃的認識,了解資訊科技工作的環境,加深對行業的瞭解,並為日後的升學、工作及創業方向等作準備,勇敢面對未來挑戰,澳門理工學院應用科學高等學校邀請新濠博亞管理層,於本月二十五日在理工為電腦學課程學生舉行生涯規劃講座,新濠博亞的嘉賓為全球IT運營副總裁Norman Liang、高級人力資源夥伴鍾蕙婷、應用開發經理Max Wong、產品設計用戶體驗主管Coin Qian及人力資源副經理鄭少茵。主講嘉賓與學生分享集團的發展和管理理念、資訊科技行業職業發展方向及前景,危機處理等經驗,讓學生對生涯規劃作出更好的準備,提升競爭力,及後雙方進行互動討論,氣氛熱烈,學生收獲豐富。


Computing Seminar

Time: 18:30, Descember 2, 2019 (Monday)

Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Wui Chi Building


Congratulations to Our Computing Alumnus Fong Hok Kin for being awarded The Certificate of Merit from the Macao SAR Government




日前,於「2019澳門資訊科技賽事頒獎典禮」上,澳門理工學院電腦學同學黃旭星、陳藝昇、陳嘉欣及鐘艾寧所組成的隊伍,參賽作品「便攜式安全網絡會議系統」以優異成績,取得三項大奬,分別是大專學生組大獎、大專學生組最佳創意獎,與此同時該項目的指導老師嚴肇基教授、謝丹嬋教授及鄧樹傑副教授獲得優秀導師獎,成果豐碩。因卓越的表現,他們獲提名代表澳門於11月參加於越南下龍灣舉行的「2019亞太資訊及通訊科技大獎賽 (Asia Pacific ICT Awards)」,與來自亞太地區不同的隊伍角逐奬項,展示強大軟實力,期望再下一城,載譽歸來,為澳增光。

該隊伍早前已於「2019澳門泛珠三角+大學生作品賽澳門區選拔賽」中取得優異獎,並代表澳門出戰作品賽的總決賽,從全國十五個省市及地區的精英隊伍中,勇奪一等奬及最佳實用價值奬,獲比賽評審高度讚揚。該項目名為「Portable Secure Network Conferencing System」,是一個輕巧便携、高效率、防入侵及防竊聽的會議系統,透過第三方的翻譯引擎,系統還可提供即時多語言翻譯服務,非常適合本澳三文四語的實際情況使用。系統有效提升會議網絡安全,並推廣大眾網絡安全的意識,期待為國家及粵港澳大灣區打造“國際科技創新中心”作出貢獻。






Seminar on Virtual Reality (15/11/2019)

The one-hour seminar was delivered by Prof. Lili Wang at 3pm on November 15 in Lecture Theatre, MPI. Prof. Wang is currently a professor in the school of computer science and engineering. Her research interests focus on virtual reality, computer graphics, and visualization, etc. Her speech is about the three-dimensional graphics rendering covering the techniques of global illumination, realistic rendering, texture synthesis, and so on. There were around 60 students and teachers attending the seminar. After the talk and the Q&A session, the seminar was announced to end at 16:30pm.


澳門理工學院“太陽能汽車人工智能項目” 亮相第二屆中國國際進口博覽會

在上海舉行的第二屆中國國際進口博覽會上,澳門理工學院和意大利博洛尼亞大學(University of Bologna) 科研團隊共同展示科研成果“太陽能汽車人工智能項目”。博覽會期間,理工學院應用科學高等學校校長謝丹嬋在“沿新絲路的意大利科技與設計”研討會上就可持續運輸議題發言,推廣澳門科技創新。



IPv6 Seminar - Crowdsourcing and Crowdsensing in Smart Cities: Concepts, Technologies and Human Factors

Time: 15:00, November 21, 2019 (Thursday)

Venue: Lecture Theatre 3, Wui Chi Building


Seminar on Virtual Reality

Time: 15:00, November 15, 2019 (Friday)

Venue: Lecture Theatre 2, Wui Chi Building

Computing Programme Seminar 30-10-2019 

A seminar was organized by the School of Applied Sciences and held on October 30th, 2019 at Wu Chi Building in campus. Two speakers, Dr. Luis Paquete and Dr. Jorge Henriques, from the University of Coimbra in Portugal. Both of them are associate professors of the Department of Informatics Engineering. Both researchers have numerous publications in their.

Talk #1: Multiobjective Optimization Problems

The first talk given by Dr. Paquete was titled "Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization." Dr. Paquete presented an overview of his research on multiobjective combinatorial optimization problem (MCOP) designs. Three designs including implicit enumeration methods, scalarized methods, and metaheuristics were discussed. Assessments on the algorithmic performance were also briefly reviewed.

Talk #2: Data Science for Personal Health Applications 

The second talk was given by Dr. Henriques, and titled "Data Science for pHealth Applications: Opportunities and Challenges." Dr. Henriques gave a detailed introduction on applying different machine learning techniques on a collection of personal biosignals. The collected biosignals were on ECG from more than 10,000 patients. He detailed the signal trends of heart conditions such as the arrhythmias and heart failures. Further, he discussed the procedures in signal clustering, data mining the classification, and modelling in supporting medical decisions.


Computing Seminar

Time: 15:00, October 30, 2019 (Wednesday)

Venue: Lecture Theatre 3, Wui Chi Building

Graduate Seminar 1: Challenges of Implementing Image Processing for Tracking bacteria Behavior

The first graduate seminar was held on October 21st, 2019. Mr. Calvin Lee, who is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at UCLA, presented an overview on tracking bacteria behavior through advanced image processing techniques. Mr. Lee is from the Gerard Wong’s lab at UCLA Bioengineering department, and he has co-authored 10 papers on bacteria tracking and the understanding of early biofilm formation. The seminar was very successful and the students have learned about the possibilities of using advanced computing techniques and A.I. in bio-engineering applications. Below is the abstract of his talk:

Abstract: Bacteria are microorganisms that can form large communities called biofilms in almost any environmental niche, including oceans, soil, and humans. Biofilms can be both harmful, such as by causing diseases, and beneficial, such as helping with digestion. Studying how biofilms develop from single bacteria can give insight into controlling biofilms and other applications, either to prevent harmful biofilms from forming or promote the growth of beneficial biofilms. Here, I give an overview of the current techniques used to study biofilm development. Next, I describe the implementation of image processing techniques to help accelerate the analysis, extract more information from the experimental data, and reduce user bias during the analysis. Finally, I review the challenges we still currently face even with the improved techniques.

Seminar speaker with the teaching staff, MSc. and BSc. Students



Warm Congratulations to Our Computing student Chan Ngai Seng again!

Warm Congratulations to Our Computing student Chan Ngai Seng for receiving 2nd Prize in the "The 2nd Macao Higher Education Students Mobile Web Design Skill Competition"


English Interest Group

On 16th October 2019, the Computing Programme has organized an English Interest Group for Year 1 students who are interested in developing their English proficiency. 22 students were firstly explained how to use mind-mapping techniques. Then, they were arranged to have a lab tour. They visited some of the labs in the programme such as UCLA, Melco, Flight simulation, and IPV6. In each of the labs, teachers and senior students introduced the facilities and showed them the corresponding products and projects. After that, they were required to deliver a brief speech about what they had seen and learned from the lab tour by using mind-mapping techniques. All in all, the students were highly interested and raised lots of questions about the labs. They learned a lot about the labs as well as improved their English speaking skills in a warm and supportive atmosphere.




 開班儀式由科英布拉大學訊息工程系資訊科技博士課程主任Henrique Madeira教授及澳門理工學院應用科學高等學校校長謝丹嬋教授主禮。Henrique Madeira教授致辭時表示,通過合辦的博士學位課程,可以促進雙方學術及教學經驗的交流,包括進一步瞭解科英布拉大學信息工程學系及其研究中心的研究環境,同時,通過共同指導博士學生,這將增加和擴大科英布拉大學與澳門理工學院研究生課程導師在合作辦學及研究的經驗。Madeira教授還表示,科英布拉大學對合辦博士課程寄予厚望,並相信葡萄牙科英布拉大學和澳門理工學院之間的教學與研究合作具有巨大的潛力和發展空間。





Year-1 student gathering event

Date: 24th September 2019

Time: 13:00 - 14:30

Venue: MPI Pavilion

More than 40 first-year undergraduates gather together with teachers and senior students in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Free lunch and games were provided in the MPI Pavilion. New interest groups and activities were introduced. All of the students got to know each other and had a good time in the event.




Computing Student Achieving Outstanding Results in the “45th WorldSkills Competition”

Warm Congratulations to Our Computing Student Chan Ngai Seng for Achieving Outstanding Results in the “45th WorldSkills Competition”

For more details, please visit Macao Daily News


Computing student Receiving 1st Prize in the "45th World Skills Competition (Macao Qualification)

Warm Congratulations to Our Computing student Chan Ngai Seng for receiving 1st Prize in the "45th World Skills Competition (Macao Qualification)--Web Technologies"



2019 Pan-Pearl River Delta University Student Projects Final Competition at MPI

The opening ceremony and events of 2019 Pan-Pearl River Delta University STUDENT Projects Final Competition, jointly organized by Macao Polytechnic Institute and Macao Computer Society, were held at the Macao Polytechnic Institute on 3rd and 4th July 2019. The competition was the largest information technology competition in the Pan-Pearl River Delta Region this year. More than 30,000 university students in a total of 60 elite teams from Guangdong, Yunnan, Hainan, Guangxi, Guizhou, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Hubei, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan competed to be the champions.

All the teams were eager to demonstrate their talents and creativity to the panel, the guests and the public, as well as share and exchange ideas with each other. Eventually, ten universities including the University of Hong Kong, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Guangdong Ocean University, and Taiwan National Yunlin University of Science and Technology won the first prizes in the final competition.

The awards ceremony of the 2019 Pan-Pearl River Delta University Student Projects Final Competition was held at 3:30 pm on 4th July at the Macau Polytechnic Pavilion. It was hosted by Mr. Sou Chio Fai (the Director of the Macao Higher Education Bureau), Prof. Im Sio Kei (the President of Macao Polytechnic Institute), Dr. Chen Guoliang (the Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences), Mr. Wan Kam Meng (the Chairman of the Macao Computer Society), Dr. Wu Huanquan (Vice Chairman of Special Duty, and member of the Party Committee of the Guangdong Provincial Association for Science and Technology), and Dr. Zhu Qingsheng (the Vice Chairman of the Association of Fundamental Computing Education in Chinese Universities, and the Chairman of the Organising Committee of the 2019 Pan-Pearl River Delta University Student Projects Final Competition). Prof. Im Sio Kei, the President of the Macao Polytechnic Institute, said that it was a great honour to organise the 2019 Pan-Pearl River Delta University Student Projects Final Competition in Macao, with the 20th anniversary celebration of Macao's returning to the motherland as well as the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Macao SAR. Through these decade this event has developed into a mature national information technology competition whose influence is extensive and which is widely recognised. In addition, it plays a pivotal role in positively popularising research in computing and related technologies in academic and technical fields. The large-scale implementation and wide-spread participation of this year's competition fully reflected the meaning of "The Development Plan for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", in which technology innovation is a new trend in the development of the Greater Bay Area. As is well known, the Greater Bay Area provides broad prospects for development and will become a world-class innovation centre for science and technology. Students and professors in the fields of computer and engineering will have great new opportunities to fulfill their ambitions and achieve their goals. Mr. Wan Kam Meng, the President of the Macao Computer Society, stated that the competition provided all the participants from both sides of the strait, Hong Kong and Macao a good opportunity for knowledge exchange and cooperation, at the perfect time of the celebration of Macao's 20th anniversary of returning to the motherland as well as the announcement of the Development Plan for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. He further indicated that Macao, which is one of the four "core cities" and acts as a "core engine" in the development of the Greater Bay Area, has been given a new historical mission and plays a new role. All of these strongly reflect the trust in and expectation of Macao from Mainland China.

Finally, under the exciting and competitive atmosphere in the 2019 Pan-Pearl River Delta University Student Projects Final Competition, ten universities won the First Prize, including the University of Hong Kong, Macao Polytechnic Institute, Jiangnan University, Guangdong Ocean University, Taiwan National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Taiwan Ocean University, Beijing Normal University Zhuhai Branch, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chongqing Institute of Science and Technology, Shude Technology, and Guizhou Normal University. The representatives from both the University of Hong Kong and Guangdong Ocean University won the Best Innovation Awards. The representatives of Macao Polytechnic Institute, Taiwan National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, and Taiwan Ocean University won the Best Practical Value Awards. A total of sixteen universities from Yunnan, Guizhou, Chongqing, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Hainan, Guangxi, Hubei, Fujian, Jiangsu, Hunan and Taiwan won the Second Prize.

2019 Pan-Pearl River Delta University Student Projects Final Competition was held at Macao Polytechnic Institute

Prof. Im Sio Kei, President of Macao Polytechnic Institute, delivered a speech at the award ceremony

Mr. Sou Chio Fai, Director of the Macao Higher Education Bureau, presented the First Prize to the winning university team




比賽頒獎禮於7月10日在澳門理工學院舉行,主禮嘉賓包括:國家教材委員會科學委員會專家北京航空航天大學教授熊璋、郵電局行政委員會委員葉頌華、倫敦大學瑪麗皇后學院教授Laurie Cuthbert、教育暨青年局組織暨資訊處處長黎玉燕,以及澳門理工學院公共行政高等學校校長謝丹嬋。



自2008 年起,澳門理工學院每年均舉辦“全澳資訊科技大賽——ALICE三維編程比賽”,參加人數至今已累積超過3,000人次,成爲了本地最熱門的電腦編程比賽之一。澳門理工學院喜見中學生因參賽而對電腦編程產生更大興趣,升學時選擇修讀電腦編程相關專業,比賽亦對持續提升市民對資訊科技的興趣及應用能力,以及推進資訊科技在澳門的發展和普及,發揮積極的作用。
















澳門特區政府新聞局 (5/July/2019)

Macao Daily (7/July/2019)




Strengthening Academic Exchanges and Cooperation with Universities in the Greater Bay Area

In order to promote the academic exchanges and cooperation between our Program and universities in the Greater Bay Area, as well as to further understand their current teaching and research status of computer science, Prof. Rita Tse, the Director of the School of Public Administration, and Dr. Chan Tong Lam, the Coordinator of the Computing program visited the Zhongshan University of Guangzhou in mid-May to conduct academic exchanges with the professors of the School of Data and Computer Science and to visit their Network and Information Security Center.

National Supercomputer Centre in Guangzhou

For more info. (chinese), please visit this link


Summer trip to Italy for academic exchanges

The Macau Polytechnic Institute and the University of Bologna in Italy have cooperated for many years in academic research and have achieved fruitful results. On the basis of this success, our institute will strengthen cooperation with the University of Bologna. Starting from 2019, our CP students will be able to undertake scientific research projects every summer at the University of Bologna. It is hoped that this will improve their research abilities and continue their studies after graduation.




International cooperation in technology innovation in the gaming industry

This year, MPI celebrates 10 years of partnership and research with the Gaming Standards Association (GSA), an international trade association that facilitates innovation and efficiencies for the gaming industry. In the previous 5 years, with valuable input from GSA, our Computing Program, has equipped our graduates of the gaming specialization with the latest gaming technology used in casinos.

 On May 17, 2019, Peter DeRaedt, the President of GSA visited MPI and have an in-depth discussion with Prof. Marcus Im, the President of MPI to review the achievement in this 10 years and discuss future research cooperation to further advance the adoption of IoT and data analytics technologies in the worldwide gaming industry.


Seminars on IoT (Internet of Things)

MPI invited a delegation from Department of Information Engineering, University of Coimbra, to visit MPI in March 2019.

The delegation was comprised of Head of Department of Information Engineering Prof. Edmundo Monteiro, Doctoral Program Director Prof. Henrique Madeira, Prof António José Nunes Mendes and Prof. Marilia Curado.

Prof. Henrique Madeira and Prof. Marilia Curado.also delivered 2 seminars on the internet-of-things.

  1. Artifical Intelligence in IoT: safety and security challenges, and research opportunities
  2. IoT and 5G for Smart Cities: current status and research directions


A delegation from the University of Coimbra, Portugal visited our programme

With the aim to strengthen international academic exchange and the opportunities to cooperate with internationally renowned universities, and to broaden our students’ opportunities to study and enjoy exchange opportunities overseas, our Institute invited the delegation from Department of Information Engineering, University of Coimbra, to visit MPI in March 2019.

The delegation was comprised of Head of Department of Information Engineering Prof. Edmundo Monteiro, Doctoral Program Director Prof. Henrique Madeira, Prof António José Nunes Mendes and Prof. Marilia Curado.

The intentions behind this visit were for the two institutions to further discuss the possibilities for establishing an exchange of scholars, as well as opportunities for collaboration in various areas of education and research.

For Further details (in Chinese), please visit the following


CTM Data Center Visit 2019

CTM has been the leading telecom service provider in Macau offering a full range of professional telecommunications services including mobile, fixed telephony, fibre broadband, and enterprise solutions. It owns the world-class data center covering an area of 1150 square meters and a floor height of 4.6 meters high.

On 4th April 2019, 16 students from EIS and Education specializations visited the CTM Data Centre accompanied by Wilson Ho.

Students were welcomed by the CTM representatives and they conducted briefing session to the students regarding CTM's organization structure and career prospect.

“It was an opportunity for the students to learn about data centers in the field,” explained Toby Ng, Senior Manager of IT Infrastructure of CTM. He also delivered a presentation to introduce the company’s IT organizational structure, IT operating systems including the Green Data Center, Storage Area Network, and Convergent Rating and Billing System, etc.

The students were also led to tour at CTM’s IT Data Centre to enrich their knowledge in enterprise information systems, and gain better understanding about the data storage system, as well as adoption of various green protection features in the data center.

During their visit, the third-year students discovered how the data center at the taipa site operates.

The students were attentive and actively raised questions about the features of the telecom facilities. The visit program concluded in a warm and harmonious atmosphere.


English Team Building and BBQ 2019

Date: 23rd March 2019

Time: 11:00-15:00

Venue: Macao Scout Association

Nearly 90 students, teachers and staff in Computing Programme participated in the English team building and BBQ event. Even though it was raining, all of us had a good time in a warm and friendly atmosphere. We really had fun in a "Draw-and-Guess" game. The winners were awarded special prizes by our Programme Coordinator, Dr. Lam Chan Tong. This event provided a good opportunity for students and teachers to increase mutual communications and establish a strong collaborative team-building spirit.


IPv6 Seminar

Date: March 28, 2019

Time: 15:30

Venue: MPI Lecture Theater 2


MSc in Big Data and Internet of Things

We are proud to announce a new Master degree in Big Data and Internet of Things. This programme aims to cultivate a new kind of IT specialists in Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT) so as to promote the development of a sustainable smart city. The programme focuses on enlightening the students to develop key system architectures, communication mechanisms for IoT and innovative IoT applications; apply leading-edge techniques for Big Data processing; extract information relevant for smart city applications; and undertake IoT and Big Data research.

For more info., please visit Macao Daily 


Field Trip to MGM Grand (Cotai)

A trip to MGM Grand (Cotai) was organized on March 20. There were altogether 11 3rd year students and 1 teacher joining the field trip. In the trip, some HR and IT staff (Rachel Chu and Crystal) gave us a brief tour around the premise, including the hotel resort, data center, IT development lab, employee and guest facilities etc. The Gaming IT manager (Samuel) showed us a Baccarat table game operating system called “CCAS” developed by Walker Digital (US) company. Finally, the senior IT manager (Charles) walked us through the data center. Through the trip, the students are exposed to some operations and practices; and the up-front technologies adopted in a large-scale gaming operator. The trip started at 10:00 and finished at 12:30.


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Technology is Next Generation

Macao Polytechnic University is teaching computer science with a specialization in gaming—a unique course of study born of a unique collaboration with the industry